Saturday 10 May 2014

Covent Garden catch-ups

So recently, my boyfriend was staying with me, and we decided to spend the day in Covent Garden. It's one of my favourite places in London because it's just so charming and reminds me of a little Italian square, especially in sunnier weather!

The crazy acts around Covent Garden always intrigue me, I really enjoy watching them set up and then seeing the crowd gather around to see how they are going entertain us...

We headed to Five Guys for lunch because we'd both heard a lot about it, and it's definitely a favourite in the blogging world! It's definitely more of a quick stop than fancy dining, but in this case, simple is definitely best. The food is made for you within minutes, and it completely lives up to expectations, the meat is juicy and tender and the chips are perfectly crispy. Five Guys isn't the cheapest by any means, but it most definitely isn't expensive either and you get what you pay for, so it's worth every penny! I recommend anyone to visit Five Guys, if you can find a seat that is, because it's extremely popular, but that can't be a bad thing, can it?

After lunch we had a little wander around Covent Garden and crossed our fingers for the sun to come out properly (which it didn't), and then grabbed a quick Starbucks before heading to the bridge to admire the skyline.

We had a lovely day out, and Covent Garden is great for anyone to visit, whether you're a tourist, visiting London for a day or just here on business. Plus, it's just a walk away from these views^, theatreland and Leicester Square!

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