Tuesday 25 February 2014

TMI tag!

Thought I would have a little go at the TMI tag, it's a great way to learn a few things about me I think...

  1. What are you wearing? A basic blue H&M tshirt and leggings as it's a lazy afternoon.
  2. Ever been in love? Luckily for me yes, with my current boyfriend, but this is the first time I have been.
  3. Ever had a terrible breakup? Yes, hasn't everyone? I've had a couple which felt devastating at the time but looking back seem silly, and I couldn't be happier that those relationships ended.
  4. How tall are you? Last time I checked, roughly 5''7, which is probably pretty average if not slightly above.
  5. How much do you weigh? I don't have a clue, I believe that mental and physical fitness is more important than numbers on a scale.
  6. Any tattoos? Nope, none at all, although I have thought about it but I think there are far too many changes in my life at the moment, it would probably lose significance. If I did get one it would definitely be ocean-related as I love being by the sea.
  7. Any piercings? I haven't, and not even my ears are pierced! I must get that done sometime...
  8. OTP (one true pairing)? Does my boyfriend count? Hope so!
  9. Favourite show? That's a hard one but I'm loving Hostages at the moment so I recommend that, and I always watch Hollyoaks.
  10. Favourite bands? I love so many different types of music, but I'd gave to say Mumford and Sons, Two door cinema club, Alt J and The 1975, they all represent different moods for me.
  11. Something you miss? Being carefree and having no responsibility- basically being a young child, but then I don't think I would want to go back now.
  12. Favourite song? Impossible question, I don't have one of all time but Better Together by Jack Johnson always makes me smile, Coldplay's Christmas Lights and I love anything by Passenger, for example Life's for the living.
  13. How old are you? I'm 18, so this is the year of so much change for me!
  14. Zodiac sign? Capricorn, but I'm not really into the whole horoscope thing.
  15. Quality in a partner? Over the years I've come to realise that a sense of humour is so important, it's what makes conversation flow and what keeps you both laughing, so that and an adventurous streak because travelling is a must for me in the future.
  16. Favourite quote? Oscar Wilde: ''To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.'' and George Bernard Shaw: ''Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
  17. Favourite actor? Leonardo Dicaprio, just because the variety of roles he's played and each time he make it seem like the only role he's ever played. Leonardo's been a third class passenger (Titanic), a fraudster (Catch me if you can), a stockbroker (Wolf of Wall street), a mental patient (Shutter Island) and a 50's It man (Great Gatsby) to mention just a few and he's also helped to co-produce several films in his time, so credit to him!
  18. Favourite colour? Definitely a maroon/wine colour.
  19. Loud or soft music? On a day to day basis I prefer soft, but there's nothing like the feeling of the music filling a room on a night out so there I'd prefer loud.
  20. Where do you go when you're sad? My room, to hide in a blanket but in an ideal world I'd go for a walk by the sea.
  21. How long does it take you to shower? About 5-10 minutes depending.
  22. How long does it take you to get ready after waking up? Generally 40-50 minutes, 10 for hair, 20 for makeup and about 20 for outfit choice.
  23. Ever been a physical fight? Never, hope I'm not missing out!
  24. Turn on? Tilting my chin up when we kiss.
  25. Turn off? Arrogance, cockiness, over-confidence- whatever you like to call it, I hate when a guy is that self obsessed.
  26. Why did you start your blog? I wanted to have a way to express my love of fashion, beauty and lifestyle and share it with other people.
  27. Fears? Like most people spiders and heights, but I also feel extremely anxious in lifts, imagining I'm going to get stuck, which I haven't yet so fingers crossed!
  28. Last thing that made you cry? A film called How I live now, to be precise, I'm an absolute sucker for romance although my favourite films are definitely horror.
  29. Last time you said you loved someone? Ten minutes ago to my boyfriend.
  30. Meaning behind your blog name? I love fashion and my home city London, is amazing.
  31. Last book you read? Never Look Away by Linwood Barclay, my favourite author.
  32. Book you're currently reading? Sister by Rosamund Lupton and I'm hooked!
  33. Last show you watched? The Voice UK.
  34. Last person you talked to? A friend who goes way back, I've known her all my life.
  35. The relationship between you and the last person you texted? As above^
  36. Favourite food? It's a tough decision between pizza and chocolate...
  37. Places you want to visit? Australia, New York, California (Yosemite preferably).
  38. Last place you were? The park for a walk because it was a beautiful day.
  39. Do you have a crush? My boyfriend of course, he's great!
  40. Last time you kissed someone? On the lips; my boyfriend, on the cheek; my parents.
  41. Last time you were insulted? Today, when a friend didn't approve of my music taste haha.
  42. Favourite flavour of sweets? Chocolate, or cola.
  43. What instruments do you play? Guitar, and I sing.
  44. Favourite piece of jewellery? A bracelet that reminds me of a special memory, but I don't wear it because I'm too scared of losing it.
  45. Last sport you played? I hate sports, but I love going to the gym, so yeah the gym.
  46. Last song you sang? Home by Gabrielle Aplin
  47. Favourite chat up line? I think there is something wrong with my phone. Could you try calling it for me to see if it rings? 
  48. Have you ever used it? No and I hope I never do for my own sake!
  49. Last time you hung out with anyone? My friend two days ago, we watched youtube videos and had some tea.
  50. Who should do this tag next? Anyone who feels like it!
Hope you enjoyed reading this!

